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Drawing depicting the two main ways chlordane enters are of homes. Over 30 million homes in the U.S. were treated for termites with chlordane and heptachlor before these insecticides were banned. Occupants of treated homes are exposed by breathing the vapors in the air of their homes. If you are buying a house built before 1990 and live in a termite-infested area , or if your family is experiencing symptoms of upper respiratory infections, headaches, anxiety, or depression or diseases ( diabetes , neurological disorders, chemical sensitivity, breast cancers ) then consider taking preventive steps to ensure or improve the health of your family (see Television , Radio , and Newspaper accounts of health effects of chlordane on families). Testing and treatment may be cover in Method Code L23.5 - 82486, ICD-10 T60.1 and ICD-9 293.83. Dr. Cassidy has been studying the health effects of chlordane for 20+ years ( publications ) and has provided accurate, sensitive air tests for 17 years to hundreds of clients buying homes or living in contaminated homes. Depending on where and how these insecticides were applied, current indoor air levels can vary 300-fold with levels up to 200-fold over the Minimal Risk Factor (graphs of client samples in the last 4 years ( Levels ) and ( Risks )). Air concentrations of chlordane and heptachlor can only be determined using a sampling pump and sorbent tubes with subsequent analyses with a Gas Chromatograph equipped with electron capture detector. Testing furnaces filters, wipe samples, or soil samples will not determine insecticides concentrations, and therefore, are of little value. You can take your free air sample in 100 minutes. Only ToxFree. Inc. provides free air sampling - a saving of $200 - $400. See videos on Chlordane Health Effects and How to Take Sample
The USEPA and the Centers for Disease Control(CDC) have published the air concentrations that increase the risks for various cancers and diseases. The Risk Factor for Diabetes, Insulin Resistance, and Obesity
These highly sensitive, accurate analysis and unlimited consulting are $299 for first sample and $149 for additional samples. Email me or call 812-719-1163 for answers to your questions.