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Air Testing and Consulting
Dr. Richard A. Cassidy

6160 St. Joe Cemetery Road - Tell City, IN 47586

in 1996

"We can help ensure that
your choice of a home
is a safe one..."


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Chlordane Nightmares

Termite Pesticide Underneath Pasadena House Caused Young Girl To Get An Autoimmune Disease

Jim & Rhonda Conde

A man in jeans and a T-shirt comes to Rhonda Conde's door. He's from SWAT Exterminators, he says, and he's armed with a pressurized canister. It's April 8, 1983. The Condes have just moved into their dream home overlooking a golf course in Megs County - a $250,000 luxury home with a swimming pool. Termite treatment is among the last jobs to be done. Rhonda Conde shows her visitor to the basement, where holes have been drilled in the concrete-block foundation. He sticks a nozzle into a hole. It makes a hissing sound.    Read More.......


Chemicals Used to Fight Termites Can Exact Human Toll

By Michael Weisskopf, April 12, 1987, Washtington Post    Read More.......


Michael & Teresa Hufford

A Randolph Twp. family says its American dream turned into a chemical nightmare, leaving their home unlivable, their health damaged and their hopes for the future shaken. Michael and Teresa Hufford and their three children moved into the house at 11221 Putman Road just before Thanksgiving 1993, and soon began feeling sick. It was the beginning of what they believe to have been the ill effects of contamination from exposure to chlordane - a banned pesticide once legally used for termite control.    Read More.......



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